Learning How To Build Mobile Applications With Flutter

Learning How To Build Mobile Applications With Flutter

I’m currently learning how to build mobile applications using Flutter.

Flutter is a cross-platform framework for building iOs and Android apps. With Flutter, you can develop both Android and iOS with the same codebase. This will save me so much time. To develop in Flutter, you need to use the Dart programming language.

Dart language

Dart is an open-source object-oriented programming(OOP) language. Dart is approximately two times faster than JavaScript. It is easier to learn if you already understand the concept of OOP and its syntax is quite similar to Java. I expect myself to get comfortable with Dart quick enough before I move to Flutter.

UI Widget Library

Flutter has a catalogue of usable UI elements available for personalization. It integrates prepackaged widgets for Material Design and Cupertino.


Flutter has very detailed documentation ) with examples of use cases. It is easy to follow and has answers to some of the issues you may run into.


The Flutter community is growing. Every day, I come across tweets of people learning mobile development with Flutter, sharing tips and resources. Community around a language or framework is important for its ease of use and sustainability. I am glad that more and more people are creating content around it. This, coupled with good documentation makes it easy to find help on the internet and solve problems.

Install Flutter

Follow the setup process for Flutter depending on your OS and install.


Here's a list of books and courses(paid and free) I will be using for now. When I find other useful resources along my journey, I will update this list.

Book - Learning Dart , Ivo Balbaert and Dzenan Ridjanovic

Book - Practical Flutter , Frank Zammetti

Udemy Flutter Course

Udacity Flutter Course

Google Codelabs

I will update you on my journey each week and share all the fun stuff I learn with you.

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